Be more productive, by being more creative. Take the free course. Join now and Learn the Art of Tangible Thinking, a free 7-day course
002 / Extraordinary IdeasHey there. Today, I'll share a few things I've been thinking about, and working on. I've been super busy building something special for ya'all. The secret to extraordinary ideas.Extraordinary ideas are different than just your everyday ideas. Extraordinary ideas aren't by chance, they're by choice. On any given day you’ll have thousands of thoughts. Hundreds of ideas. And if you’re lucky you’ll stumble upon extraordinary ideas. But at first glance, you won’t know it. Ideas are building blocks for creativity. They’re your manifestations of a better future. It’s how we express our humanity. Capturing ideas and exercising creativity is a mechanism of mental wellness. What stops us from our extraordinary ideas?
I'm hoping that going through the course, you've started to overcome some of these issues. Extraordinary ideas are different. They’re life-changing. And only you can see them. And only you can bring to this world. They reveal your purpose. Why don't you tell me about your extraordinary ideas, I'd love to hear about what you're up to. (BTW, Thinkable is one of my extraordinary ideas.) Extraordinary ThingsI recently picked up a couple of products that are hyper-focused, and incredibly well-designed. I am always looking for products to enhance my creative-productive stack. To be considered, the tools must minimize friction and stay out of the way. So I added two products to my list. The first is a tablet for writing - the Remarkable* and the second is a portable camera for easy laptop videos - Opal's Tadpole. *(Wait aren't you always talking about paper? Yes I am, but there are times I need to bring the analog world into the digital. And remarkable is easy to grab and transfer my mark to the screen) UnlockSo Joey Cofone followed me (he runs Baronfig). Welcome Joey! Are you following me? Feedback LoopI've been overwhelmed with the feedback from the course. It's quite rewarding to hear from you. What was the most memorable part of the course for you? It would help me greatly if you could fill in the survey or give me a testimonial (or do both!). Blend ConferenceA few weeks ago I attended the Blend conference in Stratford Ontario. It was hosted by the University of Waterloo Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business. The highlight of this event was meeting up with Albert Shum, who was very humble and welcoming. It's incredible to see how design is changing, but also still staying still, here are my thoughts on the topic. Building the Next InstrumentI'm building something physical, to help you create, curate and iterate your ideas. It's top secret. And I just started to get prototypes built. Let's see how it goes. I hope I'll be able to launch a Kickstarter later this year. In the meantime, have you considered buying the book? It's incredibly rich and takes 25 years of design, to serve you up with pure value. It will inspire you to create extraordinary. Get your copy now. Thank you. |
Be more productive, by being more creative. Take the free course. Join now and Learn the Art of Tangible Thinking, a free 7-day course